Computer Section
In view of the advancements in the information technology in aid to scientific researches, the Institute advantageously established an Electronic Data Processing (EDP) unit over one and half decade ago. It is equipped with the state-of-art computing facilities, which is constantly upgraded. It renders services to the scientists, technical and administrative staff in their working. Initially the unit had 64KBPS leased line internet connection in the Institute, commissioned with the domain name "". Local area Network (LAN) provides Internet access in the Institute with 150 nodes. Presently Proxy, Mail, DNS and Backup Servers have been successfully upgraded with new hardware.

Internet Connection with Radio link facility from Software Technology Park of India, Lucknow and NKN (National Knowledge Network) link provided by NIC through OFC are running up to 8 Mbps in the Institute. Proxy, Mail and DNS Servers are successfully configured on Redhat Linux ES 3.0 Operating System and Sun Solaris. This provides 24 hours Internet facility to the Institute Staff. At present 150 Computers are connected with the LAN. E-Mail accounts for Scientists, Units/Sections have been opened through Mail Server on Institute Domain Name (BSIP.RES.IN).
An Anti Virus Program Symentic End Point Ver 11.0 has been renewed with 150
user license to protect the system from viruses and worms.
Payroll, Form16 and Pension packages are also modified as per the
requirements and also the Annual Accounts, Budget and Revised Estimates are
prepared. Section is providing help to the scientists in preparing the
Multimedia presentations, Charts, Graphs, Lithologs and other diagrams for
their scientific publications and documentation.
Institute’s web site ( is running on the Institute’s
Server. Computer Section is maintaining the day to day updation.
Staff Members
Sri. P.S Katiyar, Technical Officer 'D'
Sri Y.P. Singh, Technical Officer 'D'
Dr. Nilay Govind, Technical Officer 'A'